International Volunteers Day is December 5!

In 2018:

6,902 volunteers removed 212,376 lbs of Galveston Bay beach trash! That’s over 30 lbs per person! (source: Adopt-A-Beach for Galveston County only; Trash Bash – only 3 clean ups)


208 volunteers (over 769 hours) used 132,340 lbs of recycled oyster shells to build oyster reefs! They helped create 557 linear feet of crucial oyster reef.


Adults and kids spent 989 total hours planting about 48,000 marsh grass stems in 5 different areas of Galveston Bay. So far, in 2019, volunteers have already planted 71,750!


You can make a difference to Galveston Bay in just 10 minutes!

We have made it even easier to find your “Do”! You can now search for What You Can Do for Galveston Bay for individuals, groups, kids, in 10 minutes, 1 hour or 1 day!


Get out and enjoy Galveston Bay and help us work towards a straight A Bay